Thursday, June 30, 2011

killercontent 5

It is one thing to have a mass of content categorized into 980 niches, but how on earth can you handle all that data? In this Killer Content Review I want to cover the genius behind the vision of Socrates Socratous and his new product, Killer Content. In less than 3 minutes we will go from the Killer Content log in page to your blog having over 100,000 words of keyword rich content.
First of all, if you are marketing online and not familiar with the name Socrates Socratous you should be ashamed of yourself. He is the “go to guy” in the Internet marketing industry and has been for 8 years.
Hold on tight because this will be a fast ride.
The Killer Content System is just that, a mass of outstanding content in the form of over 150,000 articles. That is not too impressive yet, most of the ezines have 10 times that many articles. What is impressive is what you can do with this staggering amount of content. We all know content is king so you better run out really quickly and buy yourself a crown.
Killer Content has categorized this data into the top 980 niches, so your specific niche is covered for sure.
Go to your niche category and then type in the exact keywords you want. This will generate thousands of articles in your niche, with your exact keywords. Are you starting to see the benefits? It gets better.
Now that you have selected your content you can edit it right on the screen by hand or with one of the most powerful pieces of article spinning software I have ever seen. When you are done, save it. Do this as many times as you want to get more original content.
When you have as much content as you want, click auto-post and Killer Content does the rest. Everything is on its way to your blog.
Socrates Socratous and his team have done it again.
Your competitors are probably using Killer Content right now. I Strongly recommend you try this product. You are going to love it – I promise.

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